Welcome Home! We are excited that you have come!

We are a church unified by the teachings of Jesus Christ and our love of God's Word. We have a passion to serve our community and reach the world with a clarion call that JESUS SAVES! We strive to this by preaching, teaching the life giving gospel of Jesus Christ, equipping people to be fully devoted in the discipleship of Jesus Christ, and giving them the opportunity to serve and experience ministry by using their own gifts and talents to the Glory of God.

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You have a Place at Abounding Grace

Reach. Restore. Revive

Where we are
3904 Airport Drive, Suite L
Wilson, NC 27896
Office (252) 640-2768
Need a ride to church?
(call the church office by 3pm on Wednesdays must live within 10 miles of the church)

Upcoming Events

Mark your calendars for these great events coming up.

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